Thank you everybody  for visiting this site and still doing the low amount of things here.Here is the third puzzle.White to move and mate in two with a sac. Here is  a little hint.Sac check  sac check sac check check checkmate
Well it is time to give the answer for puzzle 2.Since puzzle 1 is a 9 move combination i'll give you 3 more days to think about it. :)And the answer to puzzle 2 is.........
Qf8+! Nxf8 Ng7#
(sorry I didn't give any hints I will next time)And for an hint on puzzle 1 open the h file.
The position looks like it doesn't require anything fancy but it actually does!
Well how about starting this website with a little opening lesson shall we?That below is the Colle System super solid and pure maneveur.I once beat a player 300+ rating points with it. Down there is Completed Colle below the Starting Position.
Well I guess that is it for today I shall continue tomorrow.Oh and by the way take a look at this video.